(0039) 011 8101950
(0039) 011 8101930
richard.smart (at) inaf.it
I am a Researcher at Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino which is part of the Istituto Nazionale di AstroFisica. I was born in the UK, did my doctoral studies and first postdoc in the US, and have been in Italy ever since. I have the box standard wife, two kids and a dog and wouldn’t want anything else. My favourite authors are S. J. Gould, T. Morrison, P. Roth, M. Kundera though these days, with the world going to pot, I am hooked on columnists such as George Monbiot and Marina Hyde. We really do have a lot to answer for.
I work on the study of ultra-cool dwarfs, the warp of our galaxy, parallax adjustment procedures and various parts of the Gaia reduction pipeline.