Understanding CME structures:
Imaging, spectral, and polarization analyses
Shuting Li
Purple Mountain Observatory
Nanjing China
Sala Seminari Villa Magliola
I will present a comprehensive investigation of a CME with the three-part structure, which erupted at 18:10 on 14 Oct, 2014.
Our analyses focus on the early evolution features of CME eruption from the solar limb to about 2 solar radii in the corona and consist of four aspects: morphology, kinematics, thermodynamics and magnetic structure.
The main results include that:
- A pre-eruption structure exists for a long time, which is the counterpart of background loops observed in the AIA 211 Angstrom. The CME core and dark cavity in white-light correspond to hot channels and loop structures in EUV passbands, respectively.
- The three-part evolution of the CME represents a two-phase acceleration, which indicates that there are different acceleration mechanisms dominating in different phases.
- The temperature distribution of the electron and Fe XIII ions are opposite, implying that inside the CME, the heating efficiency is different for different particles.
- The observed polarization pattern of the CME cavity and magnetic structure investigation support the Spheromak model.