Technology activities carried out at the Astrophysical Observatory of Turin span over different areas of astrophysical research, conducted with the most advanced focal plane instrumentation of modern telescopes on Earth and in Space.
The main fields of interest include:
• definition of proposals for new programs or missions, and instrumentation
• project management through the various program phases, from conceptual design to implementation and commissioning, in the framework of large consortia for programs founded by national and international agencies
• optical, mechanical and electronic design of astrophysical instrumentation
• development of instrument control software
• development of optimized data reduction and analysis algorithms as front-end tools for instrument operations, as well as oriented to processing pipeline of ground segment facilities for Space missions
• design and development of algorithms and user interfaces for data handling on the web
• development of software solutions for the scientific and technological exploitation of data from archives and mission databases
D. Bonino, V. Capobianco, L. Corcione, D. Gardiol, S. Ligori (Extragalactic and plasma astrophysics)
G. Capobianco, G. Massone, F. Landini, D. Loreggia, G. Nicolini, C. A. Volpicelli (Sun and Solar System)
D. Busonero, R. Buzzi, M. Gai, E. Licata, R. Morbidelli, A. Riva, A. Vecchiato (Technologies for Local Cosmology)
Main Research Fields
Software development for remote strumentation, WEB design, Instrument design
Development of coronal instrumentation for future space missions and ground based observations.
Design and straylight analysis of optical systems
Instrument concept and operation definition for space mission
Science pipeline workflows for real-time calibration and science data reduction
Image calibration techniques
High Performance Computing, Database manipulation, Science data management
The technological development makes use of the most advanced tools supporting the hardware and software design, and data analysis, as well as tools for the management of large projects in the framework of national and international consortia.
The main tools encompasses:
• CAD for electronic and optical design (OrCad, XLINIX, ZEMAX, LabView)
• Tools for software development based on advanced languages (C/C++, FORTRAN, Java, Python, php, etc) and for parallel computing (MPI and OPenMP)
• Software tools for data analysis, instrument simulation and calibration (IDL, MatLab)
• Project management tools (Redmine, Doors, Enterprise Architect, Microsoft Project, Git, etc)
Leonardo Corcione Email: leonardo.corcione at inaf.it