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Silvano Fineschi, Lucia Abbo & Eclipse team 2024


Thursday Jaunary 16, 2025, H 11.00 AM – Villa Magliolia seminars room- INAF-OATo



The INAF Astrophysical Observatory of Turin has organized an observational campaign in Mexico for the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. The main objective of the scientific expedition is the study of the coronal plasma physical parameters and its magnetic configuration.

We will present the first results obtained from the analysis of data acquired by two instruments at the Villa Juarez site (Mexico), E-KPol and Strato-CorMag. The first is a telescope for the observation of the polarized K (continuous) corona, from which it is possible to obtain the electron density. Strato-CorMag, on the other hand, is a coronagraph for spectropolarimetric observations of the Fe XIV coronal line at 530.3 nm. The polarization of the Fe XIV line contains important information on the topology of the coronal magnetic field which can be deduced through the saturated Hanle effect.

The observational campaign has been organized by the INAF-Astrophysical Observatory of Turin with the participation of staff from the European Space Agency and with the technical support of the Astronomical Observatory of Aosta Valley (OAVdA) and the University of Florence.

Local contact: Silvano Fineschi