Multiplier Event StAnD Project(StudenTs As plaNetary Defenders)
WHEN: June 30 - July 5, 2024
WHERE: Marathon, Greece

The first Summer School of the Erasmus+ Project StAnD was held in Marathon, Greece, from 30th June to 5th July 2024.
During the week, the nine StAnD participants, i.e. teachers
coming from all over Europe, not only learned about space science education, but they also created innovative scenarios to engage primary and secondary school students in the subject of asteroids, meteors, and planetary defense.
Furthermore, during the Summer School, Daniele Gardiol, senior technologist at INAF – Turin Astrophysical Observatory, presented the PRISMAnetwork, of which he is the national coordinator, and the new all-sky cameras developed by INAF – OATo for the StAnD project.