Multiplier Event of the StAnD (StudenTs As plaNetary Defenders) project
Date: Wednesday, 24th July, 21:00 - 23:00
Free entrance

- H 21:00 – 21:20: Daniele Gardiol, National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), StAnD Project Coordinator.
Conference show entitled “Bersaglio pianeta Terra”.. - H 21:20 – 21:40: Chiara Lamberti, National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), Communication Manager of StAnD project.
Presentation of the content and the
goals of the project. - H 21:40 – 22:00: Dario Barghini, National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), Project Manager of StAnD project.
Presentation of the functioning of the meteor-chaser camera developed by INAF for the Meteor Camera Kit of the StAnD project. - H 22:00 – 23:00: Observation of the sky with the portable telescopes of INAF – Turin
Astrophysical Observatory.
In collaboration with Centroscienza ONLUS ( and Casa nel Parco (
StudenTs As plaNetary Defenders (StAnD) is an project Erasmus+ to engage primary and secondary school students in the exciting subject of asteroids, meteors, and planetary defence.
The 36-month programme brings asteroids, comets, meteors and micrometeorites to the classroom using carefully prepared activities and experiments, including the installation of meteor detection cameras in participating schools and a specially designed kit for micrometeorite hunting.
The partners involved have joined their expertise to design an integrated approach that will enable students to follow the journey of these cosmic visitors from the depths of space to our planet.
StAnD will introduce a new trend of activities engaging students in their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) curriculum and enhancing their interest in these fields.