Figure: Representation of solar corona waves observed in the extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) band.
Dr.Alessandro Liberatore“Deconstructing EUV Waves”
Thursday January 18, 2023, H 11.00 AM -Villa Magliola seminars room
The extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) waves are large-scale wavelike coronal disturbances observed propagating away from solar eruptive regions. Since their discovery in 1997, several studies tried to define the physical behavior of this phenomenon. However, the nature of EUV waves is still debated. In this work, we give an overview on the main characteristics of these transients discussing some interpretations on their nature and interrelation with coronal mass ejections (CMEs). We will focus our attention on a specific case study from the first close Solar Orbiter perihelion (0.32 AU) to check what interpretation best fits with the observations. The complete analysis via imaging, kinematic study, radio data analysis, and comparison with maps/models clearly indicates that the EUV front is consistent with a wave initially driven by the lateral expansion of the CME, which evolves into as a fast-mode magnetosonic wave after decoupling from the CME.
Short biography:
Alessandro Liberatore is a postdoc at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He received his PhD at University of Torino in collaboration with the INAF-Astrophysical Observatory of Turin working on both ground-based and space-based observations of the Solar Corona. To date, hi research focuses on solar eruptive phenomena combining observations from remote sensing instruments onboard Solar Orbiter (in particular EUI, Metis, and SoloHI), the Wide-field Imager (WISPR) onboard Parker Solar Probe, and several other spacecraft for the study of the Sun and the Sun-Earth interaction.