0829+046 (PKS 0829+046, OJ 049)

Coordinates (J2000):
R.A. = 08:31:48.8769, Dec. = +04:29:39.086
z = 0.173683

Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Königstuhl

Field of view is 10’x10′

GASP suggested stars: C2 C3

Comparison stars

Star U B V R I
C1     12.90 (0.04) 12.47 (0.06) 12.10 (0.05)
C2 14.07 (0.03) 14.05 (0.03) 13.58 (0.05) 13.27 (0.06) 12.93 (0.06)
C3 14.12 (0.02) 14.10 (0.03) 13.61 (0.03) 13.23 (0.05) 12.91 (0.05)
C4     13.61 (0.05) 13.19 (0.06) 12.85 (0.06)
C5     15.64 (0.06) 14.77 (0.06) 13.93 (0.06)

comparison stars from Fiorucci M., Tosti G., 1996, A&AS 116, 403 
U and B data from Smith P.S., Balonek T.J., 1998, PASP 110, 1164